
The GDP-Compliance Manager - Online Training Recording

Seminar-Nr. 22045


David Abraham

David Abraham


Dr Daniel Müller

Dr Daniel Müller

GMP Inspector

Alfred Hunt

Alfred Hunt

Hunt Pharma Solutions

Heike Gottschalg

Heike Gottschalg

Boehringer Ingelheim Corporate Center

Robert Müller

Robert Müller

Boehringer Ingelheim

Savvas Koulouridas

Savvas Koulouridas

Fagron BV


This Live Online Training provides practical guidance to bring and keep your organisation in compliance with the GDP regulations.


The globalisation of the pharmaceutical supply chain has created new challenges for the manufacture and supply of medicinal products in various markets, resulting in reduced control and increased security risk to the products.

The EU-GDP Guidelines have been extensively revised to take into account the changing nature of the globalised supply chain. The requirements have been effective since 2013. These requirements highlight the need for an effective quality management system supported by risk assessment and appropriate controls.

This two-day Live Online Training has been designed to bring you up-to-date with the current regulatory expectations and standards for Good Distribution Practice (GDP) and to provide you with tools and guidance to help you with identifying the gaps in your quality systems and planning and implementing the actions required.


GDP Compliance Managers and Responsible Persons from companies involved in the distribution and supply of medicinal products.

Technical Details

To participate in an on demand training course or webinar, you do not need any software. The recordings are made available via a streaming server. In general, the recording is provided in MP4 format, which any PC (Microsoft Windows, Apple IOS) or tablet can easily display.

Timing and Duration:
When you register for the on demand Training course or webinar you can decide at what date you want to follow the training course online. For a 1-day training course you will have 2 days in which the stream is available (for 2-day training course 3 days and for a 3-day training course 4 days). Within in this timeframe you can start & stop the stream according to your needs.

In time before the scheduled date (your desired date) you will receive an e-mail from us with a link for direct participation as well as your log-in data.

Please be aware: The recording does not include the Q & A sessions.

Training Course Documentation and Certificate:
The presentation will be made available as PDF-files via download during the online training course. After the successful completion of the online training, you are able to download the certificate of attendance.


Welcome and Introduction
The (new) GDP Guideline: What was it all about?
  • Background to development and revision of the EU GDP Guidelines
  • Overview of structure and Content
  • What is the impact on industry and other stakeholders?
Quality Management System (QMS)
  • What is a QMS and why do we need it?
  • What does an effective QMS look like?
  • How to develop and implement an effective QMS Operations
  • Qualification of suppliers and customers
  • Receipt, storage and return of medicinal products
  • Deviation and Complaint Management in a wholesaler facility
  • How to conduct a gap analysis, develop plans and implement the new requirements
GDP Inspection Findings and what to learn from them
  • Findings and their Ratings
  • Examples from manufacturers, wholesalers, storage facilities and transport deviations
  • Competency requirements for GDP personnel
  • Overview of the role and responsibilities of the Responsible Person
  • Necessary documentation
  • Training matrix and managing continuous training
Premises & Equipment
  • What is a must for medicinal products
  • How to plan and implement facility improvement ensuring compliance with the current requirements
  • Key requirements for transportation of medicines
  • How to develop and implement a GDP-compliant and cost effective transportation network.
Contracts in the Global Supply Chain
  • International laws and systems – how they work and fit together
  • Jurisdictions and conflict of law provisions
  • Contract law, Technical/ Quality Agreement, Supply Agreement
  • 3PL Providers: two bilateral agreements or one tripartite agreement?
  • When things go wrong
Outsourced Activities
  • What is an outsourced activity?
  • How to set priorities to audit, approve and manage Service Providers
  • How to develop and manage contracts and agreements
Case Study for a successful Implementation Approach
  • How we approached the new requirements
  • Challenges and best practice

Short Summary and Take Away Message
  • Developing a take home action plan for the delegates
Recording from 19/20.11.2024
Duration of the recording: approx. 10 hours

ECA-Member*: € 1690,-
Regular Fee*: € 1890,-
EU/GMP Inspectorates*: € 945,-
APIC Member Discount*: € 1790,-
GDP Association Member Discount*: € 1690,-

Alle Preise zzgl. MwSt. Wichtige Hinweise zur Umsatzsteuer.

* auch unkompliziert per Kreditkarte bezahlbar
American Express Visa Mastercard

Weitere Termine vor Ort
Weitere Termine vor Ort nicht verfügbar
Weitere Termine online
Weitere Termine online nicht verfügbar

Haben Sie noch Fragen?

Wir stehen Ihnen für weitere Auskünfte gerne zur Verfügung.
Tel.: +49 6221 84 44 0
E-Mail: info@concept-heidelberg.de

Frau mit Headset


Teilnehmerstimmen - das sagen andere über unsere Seminare:

Guter, breit gefächerter Überblick mit interessanten Verknüpfungen zur Praxis,
welche die Theorie super veranschaulicht.”
Marina Kicoranovic, Labor Hartmann GmbH
GMP/Basis-Einstiegsschulung (B 14), September 2023

Die Referenten waren sehr gut! Sie haben sehr klar gesprochen, nur sehr wenige englische Begriffe
verwendet (super) und waren sehr praxisbezogen.”
Astrid Gießler, Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe
Live Online Seminar - Basiskurs Computervalidierung & Datenintegrität im GxP Umfeld (B 3), Juni 2023

Sehr guter Bezug zur Schulung für einen GMP-Anfänger. Habe mich sehr gut abgeholt gefühlt.”
Dr. Harald Werner, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG
GMP-Basisschulung (B 1), Juni 2023